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Skripsi:SKRIPSI/JUR.ADB.PS.MANAJEMEN PERMASARAN 018 WID p 2024 Number: 20 652 008
Subjects: Manajemen Pemasaran Brand Reputation
This research was conducted based on the phenomenon of the success of
MIXUE Ice Cream & Tea business management in exploring various Indonesian
market points, one of which is in Samarinda. The success was obtained, inseparable
from the social and cultural phenomena in Indonesia which are starting to change now.
The dominance of the Z-generation with its characteristics that are quite different from
previous generations provides many perspectives to uncover the truth. Thus, this study
tries to bring together various causes in one study frame to analyze and prove the
impact of social influence, country of origin image, consumer ethnocentrism, and
consumer animosity on product judgment, purchase intention, and purchase decisions
of Z-generation MIXUE Ice Cream & Tea consumers in Samarinda.
This study uses a survey method with a sample size of 180 Z-generation
MIXUE Ice Cream & Tea consumers spread across Samarinda randomly obtained by
accidental purposive random sampling technique. The data collected from respondents
(primary data) was tabulated and tested using statistical methods which were then
analyzed. Based on the results of the instrument test using SPSS software, all
statements in this research are valid (coefficient value> 0.30) and reliable (cronbach
alpha value > 0.60).
For the research results conducted with the analysis tool SEM (structural
equation modelling) AMOS version 23 shows that social influence and country of origin
image have a positive and significant impact on product judgement. Furthermore,
consumer ethnocentrism and consumer animosity have a negative and significant
impact on purchase intention. Then, social influence and product judgment have a
positive and significant impact on purchase intention. Finally, social influence, product
judgment, and purchase intention have a positive and significant impact on purchase
decision of Z-generation MIXUE Ice Cream & Tea consumers in Samarinda.
Keywords: Social Influence, Country of Origin Image, Consumer Ethnocentrism,
Consumer Animosity, Product Judgment, Purchase Intention, Purchase Decision, Z-
generation Consumer Behavior.WIDYA PUTRI SAMGUSTIA SARI
, Samarinda, 2024 xviii; 244 h; ilus; 29 cm
Availabilty/Popularity/Review: 0 of 0 () / 0 /