DDC: Natural sciences & mathematics

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[271-285 dari 436]    
Library Collection
Book:590.068 PIL p     ISBN: 0-07-707236-7
    Subjects: Construction Leandership. Tender Document
Book:540 KER i     ISBN: 1 872748 05 8
    Subjects: Kimia Plasma Proteins; Producing atibodies; Safety
Book:540 MAS c     ISBN: 4-8337-0148-0
    Subjects: Kimia Thermochemistry; Chemical Bonding; the Atmosphere; Acid and Bases
Book:547.007 SIM b     ISBN: 0-412-55830-0
    Subjects: Kimia; Organik-Instruksi Program Dynamic Stereochemistry; Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control
Book:547 FUR t     ISBN: 0-582-46236-3
    Subjects: Kimia-Organik Organic Synthetis; Solvents and Reagents; Aliphatic Compounds
Book:547 WIL o     ISBN: 0-669-24344-2
    Subjects: Kimia-Organik Crystallization; Distillation; Esterification; Amines; Polymers
Book:548.3 GUP m     ISBN: 0-7923-6200-4
    Subjects: Kristalografi Kimiawi Mixing; Crystallization
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