publisher_city: Oxford

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Library Collection
Book:536.2 WIN h     ISBN: 0-19-856297-7
    Subjects: Heat Transmission-Perpindahan Panas Natural Convection; Radiation
Book:526.9 WHY b     ISBN: 0-7504-1771-3
    Subjects: Surveying; Building Sites National Maps; Control Surveys; Areas and Volumes
Book:540 KER i     ISBN: 1 872748 05 8
    Subjects: Kimia Plasma Proteins; Producing atibodies; Safety
Book:428.2 SEI e     ISBN: 0-19-432775-2
    Subjects: Idiom Idiomatic Pairs; Phrasal Verb; Verbal Idiom
Book:428 SOA h     ISBN: 0-19-433987-4
    Subjects: English-Conversation Reading; Speaking; Listening
Book:004.616 MUS m     ISBN: 0-7506-1752-7
    Subjects: Komputer Counters and Timers; Switching Devices
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