TA/TI/PS.T.KOMPUTER 012 RIS p 2017 ISBN:14620083

Subjects:Teknologi Informasi Penelitian

    Perancangan sistem pengambil keputusan dalam memilih kos di daerah Kampus Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Menggunakan metode simple additive weighting (SAW) --

    Riska Mardhita / / /
    Samarinda 2017
    xii; 50 h; ilus; 23 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    This reesearch is motivated by the problem of the need for students whose coming from small or rtural areas to get a pr oper boarding house or resindence at the time of study at a college in big city or provincial capital such as state Polytechnic of Samarinda. (Polnes). The importance things of choosing a board will have an impact of comfort in educations, from many factors that influence the necessary consideration in chosing the boarding house.The pupose of this research is to determine the application of dcision making system design in chosing the boarding house around Polnes using simple additive Weighting (SAW) method. There are 4 criteria used in this research that is, clealiness, facility, security and price. There are 4 criteria used in this research that is, clealiness, facility, security and price. There are 10 data boarding house researched in this research,10 boarding house it is divided by 5 that is 5 boarding house for woman and 5 cost for man, result of the calculations will give code Al until A5 for woman and man A6 until A10 for men boarding house code. The results of calculations performed using the simple additive weighting (SAW) method obtained I highest order of favorites based on each board of the woman and man who occupants of boarding house. Code A4 for highest order of women"s boarding house, and code A8 for highest order of men's boaeding house.