TA/TI/PS.T.KOMPUTER 011 SOP p 2017 ISBN:14620081

Subjects:Teknologi Informasi Penelitian

    Penerapan teknologi cloud computing pada server Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Politeknik Negeri Samarinda menggunakan Proxmox virtual environment 4.2 --

    Sophia David / / /
    Samarinda 2017
    xiv; 59 h; ilus; 23 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    Cloud computing can be utilized in various fields. one of the benefits of cloud computing is as data storage (data storage) in the Department of information technology state Polytechnic Samarinda. Cloud Computing technology has more advantages compared to conventional systems. Implementation is done on the physical server departement of information technology itself is done with virtual server Ubuntu 14.04 is virtualized througth a Proxmox virtual machine that has data storage on the server mojoring in information technology. By using owncloud that can be accessed by lecturers and students publicly or with a local network of information of information techlogy departemnt can be used as a learning tools