TA/TI/PS.T.KOMPUTER 010 RIS i 2017 ISBN:14620067

Subjects:Teknologi Informasi Penelitian

    Identifikasi obyek gerak berbasis video Processing menggunakan metode frame difference --

    Risky Sanjaya / / /
    Samarinda 2017
    xii; 43 h; ilus; 23 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    Recent research in computer vision is increasingly focused on building systems to observe people and understand their views, activities, and behavior that provide sophisticated interfaces. In this research will represent how frame differnece method can be used for multi object tracing process. Frame difference method is a tecnique to calculate the difference between two frames which then done thersholding process then edge detection to produce the edge of the image object. Furthermore, edge detection results from the frame difference process will represent the movement of the object and of cours it can be used for the next process, such as motion detection, counting the number of visitors, knowing the traffic of visitors at a public facility, and other things. The study also presents algorithms that serve to detect moving objects from static background scenes based on frame differences. First, the first frame is captured through a static camera and after that the frame sequence is captured periodically. Secon , the absolute difference is calculated between successive frames and the difference of image stored in the system. Third, the image difference is converted to gray image and then translated into binary image. Based on the tests that have been done, the averasge result value of frame 2-frame 1 is 0.007949657, and the average result value of frame 3- frame 2 is 0.052050343.