TA/PW 038 FAR p 2017 ISBN:13623007

Subjects:Pariwisata Pariwisata

    Peranan Room Attendant terhadap Kebersihan Kamar di Swiss Bell Hotel Borneo Samarinda --

    Faris Syuhada / / /
    POLNES Samarinda 2017
    xi; 55 hlm.; 15x20 Cm.; ilus. Bahasa:Ind

    Industri perhotelan memiliki peran penting dalam memajukan perekonomian bangsa. Selain itu hotel juga merupakan faktor penting dalam kepariwisataan, sehingga hotel dapat dijadikan sebagai rumah kedua. Adapun salah satu faktor terpenting dalam hotel adalah Housekeeping Department. Housekeeping Department adalah departemen yang mempunyai peranan, fungsi dan tanggung jawab dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada para tamu, terutama pelayanan kenyamanan dan kebersihan ruang hotel. Peranan room attendant terhadap kebersihan kamar di Swiss-Bell Hotel Borneo Samarinda dan faktor-faktor yang dianggap perlu dalam meningkatkan mutu pelayanan serta dapat lebih memahami akan pentingnya peran seorang room attendant terhadap kebersihan kamar di Swiss Bell Hotel Borneo Samarinda. Dalam pelaksanaannya, permasalahan yang sering didapat oleh peneliti adalah banyaknya keluhan tamu akan ketidakpuasannya terhadap kebersihan kamar di Swiss Bell Hotel Borneo, peneliti telah menganalisa bahwa permasalahan terletak pada kurang telitinya seorang room attendant ketika melakukan pembersihan kamar.
    Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah diperoleh, peran seorang room attendant sangat berpengaruh pada kebersihaan kamar. Hal tersebut dapat dipahami dengan adanya keluhan pada konsumen yang didapat seperti akan kurangnya kebersihan kamar dan aroma yang tidak sedap pada kamar hotel. Sehingga untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan diperlukan penganalisaan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) yang menjadi tolak ukur pelaksanaan room attendant.
    Kata Kunci : Perhotelan, Room Attendant, Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP)

    The industry of hotel management has an important role in advancing the nation's economy. In addition the hotel is also an important factor in tourism, so the hotel can be used as a second home. One of the most important factors in the hotel is Housekeeping Department. Housekeeping Department is a department that has a role, function and responsibility in providing services to the guests, especially the service of comfort and cleanliness of the hotel room. The role of room attendant for room cleanliness in Swiss-Bell Hotel Borneo Samarinda and the factors that are considered necessary in improving the quality of service and can better understand the importance of the role of a room attendant of room cleanliness at Swiss Bell Hotel Borneo Samarinda. In its implementation, the problem that is often obtained by researchers is the number of complaints guests will be dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of rooms in Swiss Bell Hotel Borneo, researchers have analyzed that the problem lies in the lack of a room attendant when cleaning room. Based on the analysis of data that has been obtained, the role of a room attendant is very influential on the cleanliness of the room. This can be understood with the complaints on consumers who get such a lack of cleanliness of the room and the unpleasant aroma of the hotel room. So to be able to solve the problem required analyzing Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) which became the benchmark implementation of room attendant.
    Keywords : Hotel Management, Room Attendant, Standard Operational Procedure