d.84 LAP RIS f 2008 ISBN:05621050

Subjects:Akuntansi Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi masyarakat untuk menabung

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi masyarakat untuk menabung di Bank BRI unit loa janan tahun 2008 --

    Risnawati / / /
    Politeknik Negeri samarinda Samarinda 2008
    49 hlm Bahasa:Ind


    Risnavtzti, "The Faktor influencing story; level of belief socialize to save in

    bank of Ripadin and Prapdopo, SE.M,Si.

    Bank as father for company of of need each other arsist for the shake of

    progress and fluency of the way way traffic payment so that the cooperation very

    needed by both purtios in economics this time and a period of / to next. Soltenought

    more uppermost and surely for wide society generally and for requiring fund

    especially, target writing of final project is to know factors is saving at Bank BRI of

    Unit Loa Janan.

    To ease the analysis, the writer took analysis tools were regretion and double

    correlation. The result of this final project was security guarantee of and gift of flower

    having an effect on to belief sociallze to savetingafbank BRI of Unit Loa Janan.