D.90 LAP LUT p 2009 ISBN:06621038

Subjects: Penyajian laporan keuangan berdasarkan Sak No.1 untuk mendapat persetujuan kredit

    Penyajian laporan keuangan berdasarkan Sak no.1 untuk mendapat persutujuan kredit pada CV.Bintang Mas Jaya Prima --

    Lutfi Adiyaksa / / /
    Politeknik Negeri samarinda Samarinda 2009
    45 hlm Bahasa:Ind


    Adiyaksa, Lutfi. Financial Statement based on SAK No. 1 to get credit

    approvnwnt at C V. Bintang Mas Jaya Prima

    Under Guidancc Mr. LcwiPatabang, S.E.,M.M as the first advisor and Mr.

    RiCaddin Noon, SF„M.Si as A second a second advisor.

    Financial statement is very itnportantfor know that expanding or not a


    The purpose of the final project is to know whether the financial statement

    on C V. Bintang Mas Jaya Prima that based on SAK No. I

    In Collection the Data, the writer did some observation, interview and

    library reseach-

    The instrument that the used in this final project is a SAK. No. I

    Tze result of the final project can be concluded that financial statement at

    Blas Jaya Prima have as according to SAK No. I but some part there

    which must be accomodated