D.24 LAP ASN a 2009 ISBN:06621005

Subjects:Akuntansi Analisis kredit berdasarkan usulan investasi pambangunan ruko

    Analisis kredit berdasarkan usulan investasi pembangunan ruko PT ABC pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (persero), Tbk, cabang samarinda --

    Asnayati / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2009
    53 hlm Bahasa:Ind


    development proposal

    ASNAYATI, Analysis oe credit bussed on

    Investment Building of Ruko PI' ABC at PI' Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)

    Tbk Branch Samarinda, under guidance of Xlr•s, Rama SE, M.Si, as

    counsellor of I and of Mr. AchmadRudzali. S.Si as counsellor of ll.

    The problem of formula in this ssritingis . "How proposal invesment to

    foundation to submit credit so that grade to accepted or refused at PT Bank

    Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Branch Samarinda•.»••

    ith a purpose to writing to

    know how proposal building of ruko as foundation to subntit credit so that grade

    to accepted or refused.

    While the hypothesis that the presented is,

    "It is Proposal

    Invesment Building of Ruko PT ABC as Foundation for Submission of credit at

    PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Samarinda can be accepted.

    The analysis and testing were by calculating proceeds the previus that is

    adding Earning After Tax with decrease, then calculate estimasi of proceeds with

    method of Trend Moment, the next calculate Net Prsent of Value on the basis of

    discount rate 15,5% multiplied with proceeds of estimasi and compared to

    discount rate 37,241 % so that obtained Internal Rate of Return.

    The result of analysis and testing hypothesis can be cocluded that proposal

    invesment building of ruko PT ABC can be accepted because NPV on the basis of

    Discount Rate 15,5% The result of analysis and testing hypothesis can be

    concluded that proposal investment building positive that is Rp 2.042.418.650,00.

    This matter express that bigger PV of Proceeds that is Rp 5.720.034.150,00 from

    PV of Outlays Rp 3.677.615.500,00 so that credit can be realized. And accepted

    credit proposal is yr ABC because IRR Bigger hilll from IRR that to

    wish is 15,5%. Next the hypothesis assert that "it is proposal Invesment Building

    of Ruko ABC as Foundation for Submission of credit at PT Bank Rakyat

    Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Samarinda can be accepted", is ACCEPTED.