D.019 LAP DEN s ISBN:07621013

Subjects:Akuntansi Informasi reservasi hotel

    Sistem informasi reserfasi hotel dengan menggunakan macro microsoft excel pada hotel bumi senyiur samarinda kalimantan timur --

    Denny Saputra Ramadhan / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2010
    56 hlm Bahasa:Idn

    the computer application use to manage the data effectively and efficiently. the computer application gives a great benefit for hotel senyiur. the purpose of this report is to find out how to make and process the record of hotel reservation by using macro microsoft excel at hotel bumi senyiur samarinda.
    hotel reservation is the demand of hotel's room at the desired time, which is include checking the status of room availability and information about facility, using variety of reservation media so that the room is available when guest arrive.
    the technique that used is interview equipped with library research to find the supporting literatures. the analysis tool are macro microsoft excel and the commands that contain in it.
    hotel bumi senyiur is a business of provider accomodation service. hotel bumi senyiur founded by HM Jos Soetomo and the location is on Jl.P.Diponegoro 17-19 Samarinda.
    to design the application, the first step is make the data flow diagram and data architect. this application consist of menu until report.
    tou can make an application that can abridge to input the data by using micro microsoft excel .so that, the process of input and access the data can be effective and effecient