AK 192 ADE a ISBN:10621082

Subjects:Akuntansi hotel tax

    analisis pertumbuhan penerimaan pajak hotel, pada dinas pendapatan daerah kota samarinda --

    Ade Iwan Setiawan / / /
    Samarinda 2013
    56 hlm Bahasa:ind

    The conclusion of the final project is the higest growth og the hotel tax income in the last 10 years was in 2008 with 0,76% of the total RP4.708.054.016,20 it was caused that in year 2008, samarinda held a special event of pon and because to taxpayer awerness, also at the level of continuity billing field personnel to visit each taxpayer. While the lowest growth of the hotel tax income was in 2009 with 0,06% of the total Rp4.391.067.500,00 it was caused that there was not event-event and negligece of personnel in the field of billing not/rarely visit each taxpayer so that taxpayer forget to pay the tax liability