AK 119 NOR a ISBN:10621030

Subjects:Akuntansi potential income of parking tax

    analisis potensi penerimaan dan efektivitas pajak parkir serta kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan asli daerah (PAD kota samarinda (Studi Kasus mal Lembuaswana) --

    Norita Novryanti Sinaga / / /
    Samarinda 2013
    76 hlm Bahasa:ind

    Analysis tolls that used in this research is the calculating of potential parking tax revenue, parking tax affectiveness, and cobtribution of parking tax to major contributors revenue. The purpose of this research is knowing and analyzing the real potentioal of samarinda parking tax revenue, knowing and analyzing affectiveness of samarinda parking tax revenue, identifying and analyzing the conribution of samarinda parking taz revenue