AK 087 MUH a ISBN:10621128

Subjects:Akuntansi Cash Receipts

    analisis dan evaluasi sistem pengendalian intern (SPI) terhadap sistem penerimaan kas dan penjualan pada PT. Surya Teguh Perkasa Samarinda --

    Muhammad Nazhirin Naufal / / /
    Samarinda 2013
    116 hlm Bahasa:ind

    The purpose oof this writing is to analyze, evalute accounting system dan prosedures cash receipt from salas at PT. Suraya Teguh Perkasa based on principles of interna control system elements according to mulyadi . SPI is an elements analysis, instruments, procedures, flowchart symbols and flowchart based on prevailing by mulyadi. The result of this writing indicated that the implementation of the cash proceeds from the sales of the system implemented by the company was not in accordance with the principles of control system