AK 113 APR p ISBN:09621118

Subjects:Akuntansi leasing credit

    Perbandingan kepemilikan aktiva tetap menggunakan kredit leasing dan bank pada PT. Bumi Sinar Samarinda --

    Aprilia Magrietha Lhliana Nangoy / / /
    Samarinda 2013
    63 hlm Bahasa:ind

    Credit is very beneficial for our society, especially in meeting the demands of business as the owner of PT. Bumi Sinar Kencana. Many Financial Instutions provide a new bright sport in the granting of loans with interest rates and different provisions. The purpose of this study is to determine the credit via finance instution which is most favorable in granting credit for owner of PT. Bumi Sinar Kencana. PT. Bumi Sinar Kencana is a business entity enganged in the contractor. In the business of PT. Bumi Sinar Kencana needed fixed assets shaped heavy equpment to run its opperations. Oto finance and bank buana different credit opportunities. Interest rates and credit total credit during consideration of PT. Bumi Sinar Kencana in determining the credit instution. In this final report, the authors to discuss and analysis using two methods of the financial lesse flat rate. Both methods is often used in determining the amount of installment payments monthly.