AK 163 HAR a ISBN:10621094

Subjects:Akuntansi Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

    Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Part Service Pada PT. Fajar Bumi Sakti Tenggarong Tahun 2011 --

    Harbiah / / /
    Samarinda 2013
    41 hlm Bahasa:ind

    In minimizing the total cost of part service providing needed an analysis to calculate the amount of EOQ. the purpose of the final project is to find out whither EOQ methods in calculang the supply at PT. Fajar Bumi Sakti Tenggarong can be used to fin out the most economist supply in a year or not. EOQ method is the amount of goods quality that will be obtained by minimum cost or the number of optimal supply. techniques used in obtaining and collecting the data required in this final project is the documentation. result of this study showed that the cost of not getting the minimum at PT. Fajar Bumi Sakti Tenggarong because the company did not use the system with the purchase of the EOQ calculation method