D240 NUR a ISBN:09621015

Subjects:Akuntansti Pajak

    Analisis Perhitungan Pajak Hotel dan Pengisian SPTD Pada Hotel Grand Jamrud di Kota Samarinda --

    Nurviddiyah Yusuf / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2012
    97 hlm Bahasa:Ind

    In 2010 contribution revenue of the hotel tax to the city of Samarinda reached 5,73% or Rp 7.267.738.988, in the third position from the seven types of local taxes in contribution to local revenue in Samarinda then of course it must be form and methode of calculating the hotel tax that the taxpayer will be able to easily and correctly report the hotel taxes that are owed.The method is quantitative analysis. The analysis instrument was used the tax laws and methodes of the case analysis.The conclusion is highest amount of tax payable at the Hotel Grand Jamrud Samarinda is in June 2011 in the amount of Rp