AK 145 NUR s ISBN:10621107

Subjects:Akuntansi Account Payment

    Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Rekening Air Dengan Menggunakan Macro Microsoft Excel Pada PDAM Kota Samarinda --

    NUR ABDI / / /
    POLNES Samarinda 2013
    72 hml Bahasa:ind

    On technological era that currently effloresce with quik, nearly all good life aspect in society and governance utilizes technology ini management's arragement data. Changing conventional data goes to digital data because of easy digital data for at brings of and faster data respresentation and accurate. visual basic for applications is a macro program, macro is done to facilitate the program and the hard work is done repeatedly, is stored in the workbook and run by a special message. PDAM is a locally-owned business unit, which is engaged in the distrbution of clean water for the genral publik. In conclusion. Will be made one Accounts paying information system PDAM Samarinda by use of Microsoft Excel gets to prop paying service performance water account at PDAM Samarinda so faster, accurate and eficient.