
Subjects:Akuntansi Pajak

    Kontribusi Pajak Daerah Sebagai Pembentuk Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Samarinda --

    Winda Yanti / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2012
    98 hlm Bahasa:Ind

    The purpose of this research is to identify how much the tax contribution analysis based on the realization of the original local revenue tax and local target for each type.Effectively analysis is based on local tax realization and local tax target for each type from 2003 to 2011 year. the contribution of each type of local tax to original local revenue. the effectiveness analysis result indicated that the effectively level of each type of local tax was effective. this is meant that the target went with the planning. However, the tax from C group excavated object its effectively level has not matched the target yet.