SKRIPSI/AB CHO a 2015 ISBN:11652017

Subjects:Manajemen Pemasaran Analisa

    Analisis pengaruh konsumen animosity dan consumer ethnocentrismterhadap willingnesto purchasem melalui product coca cola dikota Samarinda --

    Choirul Arifin / / /
    Samarinda 2015
    xv; 119 h; ilus; 26 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    This research was conducted to determine and study impact of consumer animossity and consumer ethnocentrism on product judgment, consumer animosity and consumer etnocentrissm on willingnes to purchas, and product judgment on willingness to purchase coca cola product in the town of Samarinda. Sampel size wihice were take in they study 160 respondent whitch were on geografich in Samarinda, withc was spread on the basic sub district. research study was conductedusing reaearch instrument (Questiner) in which tasted on 30 respondent as a valid test to identify whether or not the instrument valid and reliable. The test shew that all questions whit in the instrumen ware valid and reliable.