SKRIPSI/AB ERN a 2015 ISBN:13652036

Subjects:Manajemen Pemasaran Corporate image

    Analisis pengaruh corporate image dan corporate social responsibility terhadap trust serta implikasinya terhadap purchase intention produk air minum dalam kemasan pelanggan aqua PT. Agua danone Misisipi pada mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Samarinda --

    Erni Sugiarti / / /
    Samarinda 2015
    ix; 121 h; ilus; 26 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    Erni Sugiarti. The title of this is the influence of corforate image and corporate social responsibility on trus and its implications for purchase intention botled water products brand Agua in Samarinda state Polytecnic students . This study aims to examine the impact of corporate image in trust, corporate social responsibility in trust, corporate omage in puchase, corporate social responsibilyty in purchase intention and trust in purchase intention. Sample size which were taken in this study 117 respondents whitc were consumed Agua. Study was conducted using research instruments (qUestioner) in which tested on 30 respondens as a valid test to identify whether or not the instrument valid and reliable . the test shew that all question whit in the instrument were valid and reliable.