SKRIPSI/AB SIT a 2015 ISBN:13652049

Subjects:Manajemen Pemasaran Switching

    Analisis pengaruh Switching cost dan customer trust terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction pada Nasabah Tabungan Bank Mandiri Di KOta Samarinda. --

    Siti Fatimah / / /
    Samarinda 2015
    xix; 134 h; ilus; 26 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    The litle of study is the impaqct of switching cost and customer trust on customer loyalty thougt customer satisfaction customer at bank Mandiri in Samarinda. This study aimed to exsamine and analyze the impact of switching cost and customer trust on customer loyalty thougth customer satisfaction customer at Bank Mandiri in Samarinda Advisor 1 Erlyn Nurba, SE, M.M and advisor II Johan Lucas Away S.E.M.Si. Many studies have confirmed these relatuonship betwen switching cost, customer trust, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. switching cost significantly impact on customer satisfacion(Akbar ; 2013).Customer switching cost significanty impact on customer loyalty(HSin Chang Chen,2009), Customer trust significantly impact on customer loyalti(Tong and Wong,2013) end customer satisfaction significantly impact customer loyalty(yuda end Sumedi<2013).