TA/T.KIM ANI p 2015 ISBN:12614039

Subjects:Teknik Kimia Energi

    Pembuatan briket arang berbahan baku limbah tongkoljagung dan cangkang kemiri sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. --

    Anisa Meliana / / /
    Samarinda 2015
    xii; 32 h; ilus; 26 cm Bahasa:Ind

    Production procesess of corn and candlenut leave corn cob and candlenut shell wastes. The waste can be utilized to be charcoal briquettes as an alternative energy replacement of oli and gas fuel. Charcoal briquettes as an effective method to canhe solid raw material into form that is more effective. In this study, charcoal as raw material was carbonized at the temperature of 650derajat celcius with time variation of 1 hour and 2 hours.Charcoal was turned into cylindrical-shaped briquettes which was 25 g. Charcoal briquette composition mass ratio of corn cobs and candlenut shells are 1:9, 3:7, 5:5, and 9:1.Charcoal briquettes were dried using an oven with tempertaure of 105-110C for 6 hours.