TA/JUR.KIMIA 031 AST p 2023 ISBN:20.614.051

Subjects:TEKNIK KIMIA Penelitian


    Samarinda 2023
    xiii;32 h;ilus; 29 cm Bahasa:Ind

    Sabun merupakan pembersih kulit yang dibuat dari proses saponifikasi atau
    netralisasi dari lemak, minyak, wax, rosin atau asam dengan basa organik atau anorganik
    tanpa menimbulkan iritasi pada kulit. Minyak sawit mentah merupakan minyak nabati
    yang berguna sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan sabun. Aspek penting dalam pemurnian
    adalah penggunaan bentonit. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
    penambahan bentonit terhadap menghilangkan warna pada CPO, mengetahui stabilitas
    busa pada sabun CPO dan minyak kelapa serta pengaruh penambahan minyak kelapa
    terhadap kualitas sabun. Kualitas sabun dapat dinilai dari hasil uji organoleptik, pH dan
    kadar air. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pemanasan CPO pada suhu 60ºC dengan
    penambahan bentonit sesuai massa 1,3,5,7,9,11 gram. Pada hasil pemurnian warna asli
    dari CPO yaitu cokelat tua dan pada penambahan bentonit sebanyak 11 gram
    menunjukkan perubahan warna dari cokelat tua menjadi merah. Pada stabilitas busa
    didapatkan hasil yang optimum yaitu pada massa rasio 90:10 gram sebesar 62,50%, 80:20
    gram sebesar 60,53%, 70:30 gram sebesar 60,26%. Hasil analisa pH yang diperoleh pada
    semua variasi sabun yaitu 10 sesuai dengan standar SNI 3532:2021. Hasil analisa kadar
    air didapatkan hasil yang sesuai standar SNI 3532:2021 pada semua variasi sabun yaitu
    100:0 sebesar 15,02% ,90:10 sebesar 13,07%, 80:20 sebesar 13,80%, 70:30 sebesar
    15,74%. Hasil uji organoleptik didapatkan pada rasio 100:0 tidak layak digunakan karena
    menimbulkan iritasi dibandingkan dengan penambahan kelapa. Pada rasio 90:10, 80:20,
    70:30 didapatkan hasil uji organoleptik yang aman saat digunakan karena tidak
    menimbulkan iritasi pada kulit.

    Soap is a skin cleanser made from the process of saponification or neutralization
    of fats, oils, waxes, rosin or acids with organic or inorganic bases without causing
    irritation to the skin. Crude palm oil is a vegetable oil that is useful as a basic ingredient
    for making soap. An important aspect in purification is the use of bentonite. This study
    aims to determine the effect of adding bentonite on removing color in CPO, determine the
    stability of foam in CPO soap and coconut oil and the effect of adding coconut oil on
    soap quality. The quality of soap can be judged from organoleptic test results, pH and
    moisture content. This study was conducted by heating CPO at a temperature of 60ºC
    with the addition of bentonite according to the mass of 1,3,5,7,9,11 grams. The results of
    purification of the original color of CPO are dark brown and the addition of bentonite as
    much as 11 grams shows a change in color from dark brown to red. In foam stability,
    optimal results were obtained at a mass ratio of 90:10 grams of 62.50%, 80:20 grams of
    60.53, 70:30 grams of 60.26%. The pH analysis results obtained in all soap variations
    are 10 in accordance with SNI 3532:2021 standards. The results of the water content
    analysis obtained results according to SNI 3532:2021 standards in all soap variations,
    namely 100:0 of 15.02% ,90:10 of 13.07%, 80:20 of 13.80%, 70:30% of 15.74% in
    accordance with SNI 3532:2021 standards. The results of the water content analysis
    obtained results according to SNI 3532:2021 standards in all soap variations, namely
    100:0 of 15.02%, 90:10 of 13.07%, 80:20 of 13.80%, 70:30 of 15.74%. The organoleptic
    test results obtained at a ratio of 100:0 are not suitable for use because they cause
    irritation compared to the addition of coconut. At a ratio of 90:10, 80:20, 70:30
    organoleptic test results are obtained that are safe when used because they do not cause
    irritation to the skin.