
Subjects:Teknik Sipil Penelitian


    Samarinda 2023
    xii; 139 h; ilus; 29 cm Bahasa:Ind

    Saluran drainase yang ada pada kawasan jalan Mawar Kota Tenggarong sering
    mengalami banjir pada saat hujan intensitas besar sehingga air dapat menggenangi
    kawasan sekitar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan evaluasi saluran
    drainase pada kawasan jalan mawar, untuk mengetahui apakah kapasitas saluran
    drainase dapat dialiri oleh debit limpasan banjir. Pada penelitian ini, untuk
    mengetahui debit limpasan banjir pada kawasan jalan Mawar perlu dilakukan
    dengan 2 metode, yaitu Metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Nakayasu dan Metode
    Rasional. Data yang diperlukan adalah data curah hujan harian, peta topografi, dan
    peta tata guna lahan. Survey lapangan dilakukan untuk mengetahui arah aliran yang
    ada pada kawasan jalan Mawar, dan dimensi saluran drainase eksisting juga perlu
    dilakukan pengukuran untuk mengetahui berapa besar kapasitas saluran yang dapat
    dialiri oleh debit banjir, serta melakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan alat
    Waterpass ukur untuk mengetahui kemiringan saluran drainase (Slope) pada
    kawasan jalan mawar. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi didapat hasil distribusi frekunsi
    parametrik Periode 2 tahun : 94.84 mm, Periode 5 tahun : 126.75 mm, periode 10
    tahun : 147.88 mm, dan distribusi frekuensi non parametrik pada metode Smirnov-
    Kolmogorof : 0.095 dan metode Chi-Square : 1 serta dimensi saluran yang dapat
    dialiri oleh debit banjir rencana terbesar yaitu pada metode Rasional kala ulang 10
    tahun adalah pada saluran 1 kanan ; B : 0.80 m, T : 1.70 m, h : 0.80 m, w : 0.50 m,
    2 kanan ; B : 0.95 m, T : 2.96 m, h : 0.82 m, w : 0.60 m, 1 kiri ; B : 0.70 m, T : 3.02
    m, h : 0.60 m, w : 0.60 m, 2 kiri ; B : 0.91 m, T : 2.96 m, h : 0.79 m, w : 0.60 m.
    Kata Kunci: Saluran drainase, HEC-RAS, Metode HSS Nakayasu, Metode
    The drainage channels in the Mawar Street area of Kota Tenggarong often
    experience flooding during heavy rain, causing water to inundate the surrounding
    area. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the drainage channels in the Mawar
    Street area to determine whether their capacity can accommodate the runoff from
    floods. In this study, two methods are used to determine the flood runoff in the
    Mawar Street area: the Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method and the
    Rational Method. Required data include daily rainfall data, topographic maps, and
    land use maps. Field surveys are conducted to determine the flow direction in the
    Mawar Street area, and measurements of the dimensions of existing drainage
    channels are taken to determine their capacity to accommodate flood discharge.
    Additionally, measurements using a waterpass survey instrument are carried out to
    determine the slope of the drainage channels in the Mawar Street area. After
    conducting the evaluation, the following results were obtained: parametric
    frequency distribution for a 2-year return period: 94.84 mm, 5-year return period:
    126.75 mm, 10-year return period: 147.88 mm, and non-parametric frequency
    distribution using the Smirnov-Kolmogorov method: 0.095, and Chi-Square
    method: 1. The dimensions of the drainage channels that can accommodate the
    largest planned flood discharge are as follows, based on the Rational method with
    a 10-year return period: right channel 1; base width (B): 0.80 m, top width (T):
    1.70 m, height (h): 0.80 m, and flow width (w): 0.50 m, right channel 2; B: 0.95 m,
    T: 2.96 m, h: 0.82 m, w: 0.60 m, left channel 1; B: 0.70 m, T: 3.02 m, h: 0.60 m, w:
    0.60 m, left channel 2; B: 0.91 m, T: 2.96 m, h: 0.79 m, w: 0.60 m.
    Keywords: Drainage channels, HEC-RAS, Nakayasu HSS Method, Rational
    The drainage channels in the Mawar Street area of Kota Tenggarong often
    experience flooding during heavy rain, causing water to inundate the surrounding
    area. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the drainage channels in the Mawar
    Street area to determine whether their capacity can accommodate the runoff from
    floods. In this study, two methods are used to determine the flood runoff in the
    Mawar Street area: the Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method and the
    Rational Method. Required data include daily rainfall data, topographic maps, and
    land use maps. Field surveys are conducted to determine the flow direction in the
    Mawar Street area, and measurements of the dimensions of existing drainage
    channels are taken to determine their capacity to accommodate flood discharge.
    Additionally, measurements using a waterpass survey instrument are carried out to
    determine the slope of the drainage channels in the Mawar Street area. After
    conducting the evaluation, the following results were obtained: parametric
    frequency distribution for a 2-year return period: 94.84 mm, 5-year return period:
    126.75 mm, 10-year return period: 147.88 mm, and non-parametric frequency
    distribution using the Smirnov-Kolmogorov method: 0.095, and Chi-Square
    method: 1. The dimensions of the drainage channels that can accommodate the
    largest planned flood discharge are as follows, based on the Rational method with
    a 10-year return period: right channel 1; base width (B): 0.80 m, top width (T):
    1.70 m, height (h): 0.80 m, and flow width (w): 0.50 m, right channel 2; B: 0.95 m,
    T: 2.96 m, h: 0.82 m, w: 0.60 m, left channel 1; B: 0.70 m, T: 3.02 m, h: 0.60 m, w:
    0.60 m, left channel 2; B: 0.91 m, T: 2.96 m, h: 0.79 m, w: 0.60 m.
    Keywords: Drainage channels, HEC-RAS, Nakayasu HSS Method, Rational