
Subjects:Teknik Sipil Penelitian

    ANALISIS KINERJA SIMPANG DAN BIAYA AKIBAT KEMACETAN PADA SIMPANG APILL AIR PUTIH DENGAN SOFTWARE PTV VISSIM 2023 (Studi Kasus: Jalan P. Suryanata - Ir. Juanda – P. Antasari – MT. Haryono, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur) --

    Samarinda 2023
    ix; 117 H; ILUS; 29 CM Bahasa:Ind

    Kota Samarinda memiliki angka pertumbuhan kendaraan yang cukup tinggi. Tingginya
    angka tersebut merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya kemacetan lalu lintas pada
    beberapa ruas jalan atau persimpangan. Akibat kemacetan pada daerah tersebut,
    menimbulkan berbagai dampak bagi pengguna jalan, salah satu contohnya ialah kerugian
    biaya. Kerugian biaya ini sangat merugikan para pengguna jalan, serta penyedia jasa
    angkutan transprotasi umum, seperti ojek online dan angkutan umum. Pada Analisis
    Kemacetan dan biaya akibat kemacetan pada Simpang APILL Air Putih dapat
    diminimalkan dengan melakukan perbaikan kinerja simpang. Pemodelan simpang
    menggunakan software Vissim 2023 student version merupakan metode yang digunakan
    untuk memperbaiki kinerja simpang dan menggambarkan kondisi lalu lintas Simpang
    APILL Air Putih saat ini. Menggunakan metode Tzedakis (1980) untuk menghitung biaya
    kemacetan, dengan menganalisis berdasarkan volume lalu lintas. Hasil analisis simpang
    kondisi eksisting dengan software Vissim 2023 menunjukkan kinerja simpang yang buruk
    yang dibuktikan dengan tingkat pelayanan (LOS) E, tundaan rata-rata 65,58
    detik/kendaraan dan Hasil analisis biaya akibat kemacetan lalu lintas pada kondisi
    eksisting sebesar Rp. 20,552,605/jam. Hasil analisis simpang kondisi skema 1
    menunjukkan kinerja simpang yang buruk yang dibuktikan dengan tingkat pelayanan
    (LOS) E, tundaan rata-rata 78.23 detik/kendaraan, Hasil analisis biaya akibat kemacetan
    lalu lintas pada skema 1 sebesar Rp. 18,964,902/ Jam. Hasil analisis simpang kondisi
    skema 2 menunjukkan kinerja simpang yang cukup stabil yang dibuktikan dengan tingkat
    pelayanan (LOS) D, tundaan rata-rata 43,36 detik/kendaraan, Hasil analisis biaya akibat
    kemacetan lalu lintas pada skema 1 sebesar Rp. 9,409,538/ Jam.
    Kata Kunci : Simpang, Software Vissim 2023 Student version, Biaya Kemacetan, APILL,
    Samarinda City has a fairly high vehicle growth rate. This high number is one of the
    causes of traffic congestion on several roads or intersections. As a result of congestion
    in these areas, there are various impacts for road users, one example is cost losses. This
    cost loss is very detrimental to road users, as well as public transportation service
    providers, such as online motorcycle taxis and public transportation. In the Congestion
    Analysis and costs due to congestion at the Air Putih APILL Intersection can be
    minimized by improving intersection performance. Intersection modeling using Vissim
    2023 student version software is a method used to improve intersection performance and
    describe the current traffic conditions of the Air Putih APILL Intersection. Using the
    Tzedakis (1980) method to calculate congestion costs, by analyzing based on traffic
    volume. The results of the analysis of the existing condition intersection with Vissim 2023
    software show poor intersection performance as evidenced by the level of service (LOS)
    E, average delay of 65.58 seconds / vehicle and the results of the cost analysis due to
    traffic congestion in the existing condition of Rp. 20,552,605 / hour. The results of the
    intersection analysis of the scheme 1 conditions show poor intersection performance as
    evidenced by the level of service (LOS) E, average delay of 78.23 seconds / vehicle, the
    results of the cost analysis due to traffic congestion in scheme 1 amounted to Rp.
    18,964,902 / hour. The results of the intersection analysis of scheme 2 conditions show a
    fairly stable intersection performance as evidenced by the level of service (LOS) D,
    average delay of 43.36 seconds / vehicle, The results of the cost analysis due to traffic
    congestion in scheme 1 amounted to Rp. 9,409,538 / Hour.
    Keywoards : Intersection, Vissim 2023 Student version software, Cost of Congestion,
    APILL, Congestion