TA/TMA 050 HAR a 2023 ISBN:20610007

Subjects:Teknik Mesin Alat Berat OIL MIX WITH COOLANT


    HARI PUDDING / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2023
    x; 53 hlm.; 20x29 cm.; ilus. Bahasa:Ind

    Hari pudding 2023, Pembimbing 1 Dr. Eng Hidayat.ST.MT, Pembimbing 2 Ir.
    Abdul Muis.MT. Salah satu penyebab unit alat berat sering breakdown adalah
    terjadinya oil mix with coolant pada engine. Oleh karena itu judul yang diangkat
    adalah "analisa oil mix with coolant pada engine 3408C unit D9R Mechanical
    caterpillar". Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
    metode deskriptif (Self-Report Research), Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan
    menggunakan teknik observasi secara langsung. Tujuannya ialah untuk
    mendapatkan informasi yang sesuai dengan permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian
    dilakukan. Setelah menguras Oli engine ditemukan cairan pendingin bercampur
    dengan oli engine. Ditemukan kebocoran pada Cylinder #1 antara Liner & ring
    piston. Berdasarkan analisa kemungkinan besar penyebab oli engine tercampur
    coolant karena telah terjadi erosi kavitasi di sekitar lubang coolant pada Cylinder
    liner dan Cylinder block no.#1 Akibat telah terjadi erosi Kavitasi mengakibatkan
    seal ferrule tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik dan tidak dapat menyegel coolant dan
    akhirnya coolant dapat bocor dan masuk ke ruang bakar silinder #1. Setelah
    pemeriksaan pengukuran blok Cylinder dek atas pada Cylinder #1, ternyata
    hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi. ini membuktikan coolant bisa masuk ke
    ruang bakar. Ditemukan Cylinder head #1, #3, #5, #7 dan mekanisme Valve
    mengalami korosi yang disebabkan oleh kondensasi setelah cairan pendingin
    mengisi ruang bakar. Erosi kavitasi yang mungkin terjadi karena: History mesin
    rekondisi sebelumnya belum pernah di-surfing atau pernah di-surfing namun tidak
    sesuai dengan spesifikasi. Cara meminimalisir dan antisipasi kerusakan dilakukan
    berupa daily check secara menyeluruh dan preventive maintenance (PM) secara
    teratur sesuai Standar Operation Procedure (SOP) dan Operation Manual and
    Maintenance (OMM) unit Caterpillar D9R 48W49984 Engine 3408C Mechanical.
    Kata Kunci: Engine 3408C, Daily Inspection, PM, OMM, GRPTS, AFAiv
    Hari pudding 2023, Pembimbing 1 Dr. Eng Hidayat.ST.MT, Pembimbing 2 Ir.
    Abdul Muis.MT One of the reasons heavy equipment units often experience
    damage is the mixing of oil with coolant in the engine. Therefore took the title
    "analysis of engine oil mixture with coolant in engine 3408C unit D9R
    Mechanical caterpillar". The research method used in this research is descriptive
    method (Self-Report Research), This research was conducted using direct
    observation techniques. The aim is to obtain information that is in accordance
    with the problems and objectives of the study. After draining the engine oil,
    coolant was found mixed with engine oil. A leak was found in Cylinder #1
    between the liner & piston ring. Based on the analysis, the most likely cause of
    engine oil mixing with coolant is because there has been cavitation erosion
    around the coolant holes in the Cylinder liner and Cylinder block #1. As a result
    of the erosion cavitation, the ferrule seal cannot work properly and cannot close
    the coolant and finally the coolant can leak and enter the combustion chamber of
    cylinder #1. After checking the measurement of the upper deck Cylinder block on
    Cylinder #1, it turns out that the results do not match the specifications. this
    proves that coolant can enter the combustion chamber. Cylinder heads #1, #3, #5,
    #7 and valve mechanisms were found to have corrosion caused by condensation
    after coolant filled the combustion chamber. Possible cavitation erosion due to:
    The history of the reconditioned engine has not been previously repaired or has
    been repaired but not according to specifications. How to minimize and anticipate
    damage is done in the form of a thorough daily check and periodic preventive
    maintenance (PM) in accordance with the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)
    and Operation Manual and Maintenance (OMM) of the Caterpillar D9R
    48W49984 Engine 3408C Mechanical unit.
    Keywords: Engine 3408C, Daily Inspection, PM, OMM, GRPTS, AFA