TA/DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 025 TAS r 2022 ISBN:18.619.015

Subjects:Desain Arsitektur REDESAIN KANTOR


    Dzulfahmi / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2022
    xv., 79 hlm., 20x29 cm., ilus. Bahasa:Ind


    This National Building will later be dedicated to all elements of the Samarinda city community, paying attention to the emphasis on the neo vernacular Dayak architectural style so that it explores its architectural appearance which tends to use elements of Dayak cultural values such as providing secondary skin in the form of carvings typical of Dayak culture, giving colors typical of Dayak culture, in order to give a vernacular impression, so that it can become an icon or attraction for a modern building that adopts traditional Dayak elements and can accommodate or provide appropriate opportunities for the community to carry out training activities or local art performances to be introduced to the outside world. In the exploration, there are four approaches that must be considered related to form and meaning in designing and modernizing traditional buildings in the contemporary context, namely the tendency for changes to occur with paradigms, namely: (a) form and meaning a fixed (b) fixed form with new meaning (c) new form with fixed meaning (d) new shape and meaning. With the approach to the interior of the room with a modern architectural style and combined with the play of light, it is hoped that it will give a unique and unique impression. now so that this building can become a tourist destination and provide benefits for the community.concept of passive cooling of buildings and the application of the industrial architectural style promoted by Andra Matin.

    Keywords : Gedung Nasional , Arsitektur neo vernacular, interior modern


    Gedung Nasional ini nantinya akan diperuntukkan untuk seluruh elemen masyarakat kota Samarinda, dengan memperhatikan penekanan pada gaya bangunan arsitektur neo vernakular Dayak sehingga mengeksplorasi pada tampilan arsitekturnya yang cenderung menggunakan unsur nilai budaya Dayak seperti memberikan secondary skin berupa ukiran-ukiran khas budaya Dayak, memberikan warna warna khas budaya Dayak agar memberikan kesan vernakular, sehingga dapat menjadi aikon atau daya tarik sebagai bangunan modern yang megadopsi unsur-unsur tradisonal Dayak dan dapat mewadahi atau memberikan tempat bagi masyaraskat melakukan kegiatan pelatihan ataupun pertunjukan kesenian lokal untuk di perkenalkan ke dunia luar. Dalam proses eksplorasinya, ada empat model pendekatan yang harus diperhatikan terkait dengan bentuk dan makna dalam merancang dan memodernisir bangunan tradisional dalam konteks ke-kini-an, yaitu