TA/D3 AKUNTANSI 015 QAY p 2022 ISBN:19621019

Subjects:Akuntansi Harga jual


    Qays Maula Azizah / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2022
    xiv; 41 hlm.; 20x29 cm.; ilus. Bahasa:Ind

    Qays Maula Azizah, 2022. “Penentuan Harga Jual Pada Usaha Salad Buah Sabi
    Tenggarong” dibimbing oleh Ibu E. Retno Maninggarjati, S.E., M.Bus sebagai
    pembimbing pertama dan Bapak H. Mat Juri. S.E., M.M sebagai pembimbing kedua.
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penentuan harga jual pada Salad Buah Sabi
    Tenggarong periode bulan Maret-Mei 2022. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan
    yaitu wawancara, studi pustaka dan observasi. Sebelum melakukan penentuan harga jual,
    dilakukan perhitungan harga pokok produksi terlebih dahulu menggunakan metode full
    costing. Harga pokok produksi menurut produsen sebesar Rp66.348.000 dan menurut
    hasil analisis metode full costing sebesar Rp69.166.750. Perbedaan terletak pada biaya
    overhead pabrik, yang mana produsen tidak melibatkan keseluruhan biaya overhead
    pabrik. Biaya overhead pabrik berdasarkan hasil analisis sebesar Rp9.208.750.
    Perhitungan harga jual metode cost plus pricing pendekatan biaya penuh melibatkan
    biaya produksi sebesar Rp69.016.750 dan biaya komersial sebesar Rp150.000
    menghasilkan harga jual salad buah sebesar Rp15.000 dengan persentase mark up sebesar
    Kata-kata kunci: cost plus pricing, full costing, harga jual, harga pokok produksivii
    Qays Maula Azizah, 2022. "Determination of the Selling Price in the Tenggarong Sabi
    Fruit Salad Business" was guided by Mrs. E. Retno Maninggarjati, S.E., M.Bus as the
    first mentor and Mr. H. Mat Juri. S.E., M.M as the second mentor. This study aims to
    determine the determination of the selling price on the Tenggarong Sabi Salad in the
    March-May 2022 period. The data collection techniques used were interviews, literature
    study and observation. Before determining the selling price, the cost of production is
    calculated using the full costing method. The cost of production according to the
    producer is Rp66.348.000 and according to the analysis of the full costing method, it is
    Rp69.166.750. The difference lies in factory overhead costs, which manufacturers do not
    involve factory overhead costs. Factory overhead costs based on the results of the
    analysis amounted to Rp9.208.750. The calculation of the selling price of the cost plus
    pricing method with the full cost approach involves a production cost of Rp69.016.750
    and a commercial cost of Rp150.000 resulting in a fruit salad selling price of Rp15.000
    with a mark-up percentage of 25%.
    Keywords: cost of production, cost plus pricing, full costing, selling price