
Subjects:Manajemen Pemasaran Manajemen Pemasaran

    Analisis Pengaruh Service Quality, Trust dan Perceived Value, serta Corporate Image terhadap Satisfaction dan Loyalty pada pengunjung Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) di Kota Samarinda --Ed. 1

    Feren Regina Ashidiqiah / / /
    Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Samarinda 2019
    xxii; 144 hlm.; 21x28 cm. Bahasa:Ind

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis pengaruh service quality, trust,
    perceived value, dan corporate image terhadap satisfaction dan loyalty pada
    pengunjung Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) di Kota Samarinda. Penelitian ini
    menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan path analysis yang
    diolah dengan software IBM SPSS Statistic 23 dan Structural Equation Modeling
    (SEM) dengan software IBM AMOS 5. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel
    sebanyak 120 orang yang diambil dari sejumlah konsumen produk yang ditawarkan
    KFC di Kota Samarinda. Skala pengukuran menggunakan skala Likert dengan skor
    1-5. Kuesioner yang digunakan didistrubusikan sebanyak 120 di Kota Samarinda.
    Berdasarkan model structural dapat dibuktikan bahwa Trust, Perceived Value
    dan Corporate Image berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Satisfaction; Trust dan
    Satisfaction berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Loyalty.
    Kata Kunci : Service Quality, Trust, Perceived Value, Corporate Image,
    Satisfaction, Loyalty
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of service quality, trust,
    perceived value, and corporate image toward satisfaction and loyalty of Kentucky
    Fried Chicken (KFC) visitors in Samarinda. This paper used a quantitative research
    method with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed to test the
    measurement and structural models by using IBM AMOS Ver.23 software.
    Repondent of this research were 120 which completed a self questionnaire of 1-5
    score Likert Scale.
    Based on structural models analysis found that some of variabel such as
    Trust, Perceived Value and Corporate Image have a significant effect toward
    Satisfaction; Trust and Satisfaction have a significant effect toward Loyalty
    Keyword : Service Quality, Trust, Perceived Value, Corporate Image,
    Satisfaction, Loyalty.