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Library Collection
Book:001.481 CUC v 2022     ISBN: 978-602-5586-46-0
    Subjects: Language-Research Methodology; technical words
Book:547 FUR t     ISBN: 0-582-46236-3
    Subjects: Kimia-Organik Organic Synthetis; Solvents and Reagents; Aliphatic Compounds
Journal:jurnal/treasury/terbitan khusus/2018
    Subjects: treasury rekam peristiwa
Final Project:SKRIPSI/JUR.TI.PS.TEKNIK KOMPUTER 017 MID w 2023     Number: 20.615.037
    Subjects: TEKNIK KOMPUTER Penelitian
Journal:Jurnal/Amanah Ummat/No.66/THN VI/Januari 2017     ISSN: 2443-3845
    Subjects: Mewujudkan Dakwah Untuk Keselamatan Umat Kebodohan Sejarah
Book:628 HEN e     ISBN: 3-540-62702-2
    Subjects: Teknik Sipil Treatment
Final Project:TA/TMA 010 AND a 2017     Number: 14610010
    Subjects: Teknik Mesin Alat Berat Teknik Mesin Alat Berat
Book:R 628.128 BEY     ISBN: 0-7277-2042-2
    Subjects: Construction Measurements
Final Project:TA/TI/PS.T.KOMPUTER 006 FAJ w 2017     Number: 14620077
    Subjects: Teknologi Informasi Penelitian